Sending an assessment access code

for Five Behaviors Team Development

You'll need the names and email addresses for your learners.

Sign in to EPIC and follow these steps.


  1. Go to Manage Reports | Create a New Report/Issue Access Codes from the navigation menu.
  2. Select the Product Family, Product and Language selections.
EPIC Manage Reports screenshot


Click Next. (You can ignore the text in the yellow box.)


  1. Choose Report Content options.

EPIC Manage Reports report content options screenshot


Click next.

  1. Enter Report Details.

EPIC Manage Reports report details screenshot


Select the folders where you want reports to be stored in EPIC.

Folders are the recommended way to search for reports. Create your new reports in folders/subfolders to quickly locate them later. See also: Using file folders


Enter a Team Name.

The Team Name will appear on report covers and EPIC-generated emails.


  1. Set Delivery and Auto Reminder Options.
EPIC Manage Reports delivery and auto reminder options screenshot

This determines when your learners (respondents) will receive an email with their personal Access Code. See also: Setting profile delivery options.

  1. Add Team Members

Enter an email address and a name for a Respondent, then press the Add button. You also have the option of importing learner names from Excel or using existing data to create new profiles

EPIC Manage Reports report add team members screenshot
When adding new team members, the View Report option is automatically set to No. This is done to prevent the Respondent from generating the report before enough members have completed their profiles.


When finished adding members, click Next.

Pop-up: EPIC displays the Total Quantity of access codes about to be created, and the Total Credits that will be charged during this transaction in EPIC. Click OK.

Once you are done, EPIC displays a confirmation page with report details, team members, and credits used.