Catalyst™ FAQs

Get to know the Everything DiSC® learning experience

Everything DiSC® on Catalyst™ is an interactive platform for DiSC learners and facilitators. Our DiSC experts have helped countless practitioners get started on Catalyst. Here are the six most common questions they answer.

#1: What is the difference between a regular DiSC profile and a DiSC profile on Catalyst?

Traditional DiSC profiles

✔️ The learner will answer a full set of questions for each profile they get.

✔️ The results are displayed in a 20+ page PDF format. This requires more hands-on debriefing from the facilitator.

✔️ Learners can only view their own results, not their colleagues' styles.

✔️ The information provided about interacting with others is based on how learners may interact with people of different styles. It is not customized to include information on interacting with specific colleagues. 

✔️ You can administer traditional profiles via an EPIC Admin Account, which is the best option for larger groups or organizations who plan to run multiple DiSC programs.

✔️ Group Culture, Team View, and Facilitator reports can be purchased separately.

DiSC profiles on Catalyst

✔️ The Catalyst assessment covers multiple profiles, so learners don't have to answer more questions when they add on another Catalyst module.

✔️ Their results will be housed in the interactive, personalized Catalyst platform. (You can still download a PDF report if you prefer that!)

✔️ Catalyst allows learners in the same organization/session to see each other's styles and priorities. They can connect and compare profiles with one another.

✔️ The information is delivered in short sections of text and interactive features that are more engaging for learners.

✔️ This information can be debriefed with a facilitator or independently.

✔️ Catalyst allows learners to gain knowledge beyond Everything DiSC Workplace®, as EPIC Administrators can add on Management or Agile EQ modules for only 10 credits per profile per person.

✔️ Each Profile has its own set of learning modules that walk learners through their profile information, and tie that back to the people in their organization.

✔️ Learners can return to Catalyst after their initial DiSC session for new insights and advice.

✔️ You can manage organizations, learners, departments, and groups right from your Catalyst dashboard with the Catalyst Administrator Experience.

✔️ Catalyst includes unlimited group maps at no additional cost. You can view a group's distribution of styles, explore where group members fall on key behavioral continua, and find conversation starters that they can use in the session and beyond!

#2: What exactly is Catalyst? I need more information about it.

We've got you covered! Everything DiSC on Catalyst is an interactive learning platform that includes content from Everything DiSC Workplace, Management, and Agile EQ profiles. The learning experience includes four main parts: the assessment, the report with interactive modules that learners can explore, the facilitator experience, and tools for following up with your learners.

There are a number of ways to learn more:

  1. Check out our Everything DiSC on Catalyst information page.
  2. Take a tour of the Catalyst platform.
  3. Register for our twice-monthly Catalyst webinar! You'll get to dive deeper into the platform with one of our experts and ask questions live.
  4. Contact us to learn more!

#3: Why do learners get immediate access to their assessment results? I don't want my learners to see their profiles before our scheduled DiSC session.

We totally understand this concern. Saving the results for the session itself can bring an element of surprise and minimize the number of questions you get prior to the session.

However, we've spoken with a number of facilitators who enjoy having the ability to deliver results to learners immediately after they complete their assessments. It promotes focus on the session's material and prevents people from reading through their reports while the facilitator is delivering information and instructions. It also piques learner interest by giving them some background knowledge before starting the session.

Some facilitators like to assign a bit of Catalyst session pre-work to ensure that learners are engaged and saving valuable training time. Learn more about how this could look for you!

#4: Can you explain why colleagues can see each other's styles on Catalyst? I'm concerned about allowing learners to see each other's styles.

If you're facilitating a DiSC session for a large group or organization, viewing and understanding your colleagues' styles is a critical part of the DiSC learning experience. Fundamentally, DiSC benefits organizations because it helps people gain a better understanding of each other's strengths and workplace needs. Ultimately, teams can use this information to develop better systems for communication and collaboration. All of this starts with taking the time to learn about one another.

We can assure you that in Catalyst, colleagues will only be able to view each other's DiSC styles and information connected to those DiSC styles. No sensitive information that poses a privacy risk will be visible.

In addition to this, it might be important to remind your learners that only the facilitator and members of their organization can access Catalyst and view their DiSC style. Their style information will not be visible to anyone outside of their organization.

Finally, if you have learners who are still reluctant to share their style information with one another, they can set their accounts to private mode. This will keep their colleagues from being able to see their style information. While this will disable some key parts of the Catalyst experience, including “Your Groups” and “Your Colleagues,” it is an option for individuals who aren't comfortable with sharing their styles.

#5: How do you move existing learners to Catalyst?

It's much easier than you think! You can upgrade individuals or large groups of learners to Catalyst using the EPIC platform. You can also easily find a list of learners who are eligible for an upgrade to take out any guesswork. Check out more detailed instructions.

The best part? Past Everything DiSC or DiSC Classic learners get a free Everything DiSC Workplace on Catalyst upgrade through December 31, 2025.

#6: Are there resources for learning how to use Catalyst? I'm worried about learning to use a new tech platform and incorporating it into my DiSC sessions.

This makes sense. Fortunately, we've built out a section of our site that's exclusively dedicated to providing Catalyst support.

This help section is complete with step-by-step information on how to send out access codes, edit organizations, generate profiles for viewing outside of Catalyst, and many other day-to-day tasks associated with the platform!

It also includes email templates and instructions you can use to introduce Catalyst to both new and upgraded learners.

If you're wondering about the logistics of facilitating a DiSC session with a tech tool like Catalyst, visit our Catalyst facilitation page. It's full of tips, tricks, and tools that will help you maximize the value of the platform and put together a stellar session.

Learning to use Catalyst is simple, and the cutting-edge features available in the platform make it worth your time! They're user-friendly, and they promote continued use of the platform. A few of these include:

  • Your Colleagues: In this section, teammates can explore each other's strengths, preferences, and tendencies! They'll find tips that help them develop better strategies for communication and collaboration.
  • Get Advice: In this section, learners can select a colleague and view personalized insights and practical strategies for connecting, collaborating, getting buy-in, and managing tension with that person.
  • Conversation Starters: This high-impact feature combines DiSC with simple discussion guides to help teams talk about personality-based differences and how they affect group performance—culminating in clear action steps for the future.

We also want to highlight that Catalyst is constantly evolving and changing! Wiley, the publisher of Everything DiSC, is continuously researching, testing, and implementing new features that make the platform more effective for facilitators and learners alike. They are committed to growing and changing to exceed users' expectations and delivering long-term value for you.

Get started with Everything DiSC on Catalyst today!

Already have an Admin Account through Simply buy enough EPIC credits to send Access Codes to new learners.

Catalyst™ Admin Account

Build a workplace culture that can take your organization to the next level.