DiSC Di style graphic

Di Style

People with the DiSC Di style personality are often bold, persuasive, and results oriented. Di types are always looking for new opportunities and tend to be energetic and fast-paced in their day-to-day lives.

What do the ‘D’ and the ‘i’ in DiSC mean?

The D in the Everything DiSC® model stands for dominance and the i stands for influence. People whose DiSC profile shows a Di style display both the dominance of the D style and the influence of the i style. They are dynamic and outspoken, and they tend to create a lively environment for their teammates. They care about accomplishing goals, and often prefer to move quickly when working toward an end result.

DiSC Di styles are fast-paced & outspoken. This DiSC map shows fast-paced & outspoken by D and i styles, cautious & reflective by C and S styles, questioning & skeptical by C and D styles, and accepting & warm by i and S styles.

What is a DiSC style blend?

Everyone is a mixture of all DiSC styles, but most people tend toward one or two. While some individuals' DiSC assessment results will show a style with just one letter (D, i, S, or C), others will show a 2-letter style (Di, SC, CD, etc.).

These 2-letter styles are style blends, and they indicate that an individual's personality type falls near the border between two of the four main quadrants.

Everything DiSC assessment takers can see this clearly in their results by looking at where their dot is placed on the DiSC map. If your dot is close to the border with another style, you probably show traits associated with that style, as well. Thus, D styles often share characteristics with the C or i styles.

The Everything DiSC test is calibrated to help you discover which main DiSC style quadrant you fall into, and if your results show a blend, which style blend best fits you.

Circle showing the twelves DiSC style wedges, with the Di style highlighted

Dot placement

There's a lot of variety within each of the four main DiSC styles. This reflects how wonderfully varied human personality is! People with Di styles share many high-level traits, but each Di-style person reflects the style differently. The dot placement on your Everything DiSC profile will help you discover your unique place on the DiSC map.

For example, you might be strongly inclined to the Di style with your dot appearing on the far edge of the circle near the border between the D and i quadrant. Or you might be slightly inclined toward the style, with your dot appearing closer to the middle.

Learn more: DiSC dot and priorities explained

DiSC map showing the eight scales. Di-style people score high on the Di/iD scale.

How do you get typed as a Di style in DiSC?

The DiSC model, at its foundation, is two-dimensional, measuring:

  1. pace (from fast-paced and outspoken to cautious and reflective)
  2. agreeableness (from questioning and skeptical to accepting and warm)

These two scales form the four primary DiSC quadrants.

However, these are just a starting place for the Everything DiSC assessment. This assessment will tell you not only your main DiSC style (D, i, S, or C) but which of the 12 style blends best represents you and how strongly you align with those traits.

A more detailed look at the DiSC map reveals both the four main quadrants and eight scales.

Everything DiSC assessments measure respondents on these eight scales: D (Dominance), Di/iD, i (influence), iS/Si, S (Steadiness), SC/CS, C (Conscientiousness), and CD/DC.

People with the Di style score highest on the Di/iD scale. Further, their responses show tendencies slightly more in line with the D style than the i style. People with D styles are assertive and achievement driven. i-style folks are lively and people-oriented. Di styles are a blend of the two, with a bit more D than i.

This is another way that Everything DiSC accounts for how varied our personalities can be.

Why is the i in Di lowercase?

The small i in DiSC helps you distinguish Everything DiSC® and DiSC® Classic products from other assessments based on the DISC model. Learn what makes Everything DiSC different.

Think you have a Di style?

Take your Everything DiSC Workplace assessment today to find out! Learning about your style can help you form stronger connections at work and at home.

DiSC Di style characteristics

Our distinct personality traits are informed by the driving assumptions that we have: unconscious beliefs that shape our personalities and influence the decisions we make. While these driving beliefs can be hidden from our rational minds and feel less obvious to us, they do have an influence on our behavior.

Individuals with a DiSC Di style have a few core psychological needs, including the need to make constant progress, the need to stand out, and the need for approval from others. People with Di styles will identify with these unconscious beliefs to varying degrees, but there are some common ways that the core needs of Di-type people show up in their personalities and behavior.

Common traits:

When someone has a Di style in DiSC, they often come off as bold, direct, and charming. They are vocal and enthusiastic, and they add contagious energy to their teams. Other common Di style traits include:

  • colorful
  • restless
  • entrepreneurial
  • driven


Di-type people are motivated by results and can be competitive. Di-type people are also motivated by enthusiasm, so they are excited by new possibilities and tend to use their passion to inspire others. DiSC Di style motivators include:

  • adventure
  • new ideas
  • rapidly achieving goals


The Everything DiSC Workplace® model shows these priorities for the DiSC Di style: action, results, and enthusiasm. They grow bored easily, and tend to seek out unique situations and leadership positions. People with Di styles prioritize:

  • discovering new opportunities
  • maintaining personal autonomy
  • overcoming obstacles to achieve results

What they value:

Everyone has their own unique set of values, but you'll notice some common patterns among people with similar DiSC styles. For example, DiSC Di-style people tend to value personal autonomy and independence. Other values of the DiSC Di type include:

  • environments that provide novelty and change
  • maintaining a fast pace
  • action

Stressors in the workplace:

Di-type people actually welcome what we tend to think of as stereotypically stressful situations. At times when the pressure is high and the expectations higher, Di styles say “bring it on.” However, understanding the common stressors for your Di-style coworkers can prepare you to provide support for them when those stressors pop up. Things that DiSC Di-style people find stressful include:

  • feeling deprived of personal agency
  • feeling a lack of stimulation
  • being ignored
  • being asked to do work that is repetitive, analytical, or too behind-the-scenes


Each personality type has core fears. People may not be consciously aware of these fears, but they still influence decisions and behaviors. Di-style people fear:

  • loss of power
  • wasting time

How they influence others:

Di-style people care about how they influence the people around them (that's what the i in Di stands for, after all). They use the traits that come naturally to them to influence people around them, such as:

  • charm
  • bold action
  • enthusiasm
  • outspokenness

How they handle conflict:

Like all styles, DiSC Di styles have personality traits that can be both productive and destructive in conflict situations. Di-type people in conflict generally help make conflict productive by addressing issues directly and driving groups toward action instead of letting things fester. However, Di types might become overly aggressive, as they often aim to “win.” During conflict, Di styles may:

  • say things that are better left unsaid
  • disrupt harmony in the short term so that the problem can be fixed in the long term
  • not seek to understand others’ perspectives

May need to work on:

DiSC assessments help you understand natural strengths as well as areas for growth. Some growth opportunities for Di-type personalities include:

  • practicing patience
  • exercising humility
  • seeking to understand others' perspectives

Di-style managers

Di-style managers tend to be optimistic about people and their abilities. They provide encouragement, and like excitement and fast progress.

Explore information about the strengths of Di-style managers and the unconscious assumptions they tend to make in their day-to-day work. Read about DiSC management styles.

DiSC Di-style managers are direct, firm, and strong-willed

Working well with DiSC Di-style people

Di-style teammates contribute both positive energy and a focus on results to their team dynamics. They tend to boost team morale, and are great at turning challenges into opportunities for growth and change. While tips for working with a Di style will vary based on your DiSC style, there are some general tips that can help you work better with your Di-style teammates.

Communicating with Di styles

People with different DiSC styles have varied communication preferences, so you can strengthen your working relationships by learning some communication tips for each style. If you have a Di style, these behaviors may come naturally to you. If you don't have a Di style, you may benefit from reviewing the best way to communicate with your Di-type colleagues. Here are some Di-style communication tips:

  • Be direct and succinct. Don’t bog them down with details they don’t need.
  • Allow them opportunities to express themselves.
  • Communicate with them honestly.

Di styles in meetings

For effective meetings with Di types, review their priorities and motivators. Di-style meeting tips include balancing discussions around how you're progressing toward goals with brainstorming and uncovering new ideas. Here are some more meeting tips for DiSC Di styles:

  • Help them prioritize when they need to be detail-oriented and complete tasks.
  • Praise their accomplishments publicly so they feel valued and appreciated.
  • Look to seize upon new opportunities.

Problem-solving with Di styles

When problem-solving with Di-type people, remember that they are driven to make quick progress, and as a result, they want to find fast, efficient solutions to problems. Try to be direct but give them time to express their feelings. Here are some other Di-style problem-solving tips:

  • Be assertive. Don’t beat around the bush or try to avoid difficult discussions.
  • If you’re naturally methodical and cautious, try flexing into the Di style’s faster pace at times.
  • Recognize the value of their energy and boldness.

Do Di-style people make good salespeople? 

Salespeople with Di styles use their confidence and passion to get customers interested. They are goal-oriented and want to operate with autonomy.

Looking for more information about the different styles of salespeople, and how you can use sales styles that might not come as naturally to you to help meet your customers’ needs? Read about DiSC sales styles.

Similar styles: D and iD

The Everything DiSC circumplex is divided into 12 distinct styles. The wedges on either side of the Di wedge are D and iD. This means the D and iD styles are most similar to the Di style.

DiSC map showing the D style

The D style

People with D styles share many similarities with Di-style individuals, but are likely a bit more skeptical and results-oriented.

Learn about D styles
DiSC map showing the iD style

The iD style

As you would expect, Di-type folks have a lot in common with iD-style people. Both styles score high on the Di/iD scale. People with iD styles tend to be somewhat warmer and more people-oriented than Di style individuals.

Learn about iD styles

Other styles

DiSC i style wedge graphic

i styles

fast-paced & outgoing, accepting & warm

Learn about i styles
DiSC S style wedge graphic

S styles

cautious & reflective, accepting & warm

Learn about S styles
DiSC C style wedge graphic

C styles

cautious & reflective, questioning & skeptical

Learn about C styles

What is your style?

Do you have the DiSC Di personality type? If so, how does your unique personality differ from the typical Di type? Taking a DiSC assessment is the first step toward understanding yourself better and forming better relationships at home and work. We recommend you start your DiSC journey with Everything DiSC Workplace.

DiSC styles icon