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Pioneering Leaders: DiSC Di or iD Style Leadership

Kristeen Bullwinkle bio image
4 min
People with DiSC iD- or Di-style personalities often have a pioneering leadership style. This means they tend to be adventurous, fast-paced, and passionate.

Key Takeaways

  • Pioneering leaders align with the Di or iD style in the Everything DiSC® model of leadership.
  • People with a pioneering leadership style are fast-paced, passionate, and willing to take risks.
  • Every type of leader can learn from pioneering leaders how to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, stretch boundaries, and take big leaps.

Pioneering leadership is one of the eight types of DiSC leadership. For effective leadership development, you must understand your natural leadership strengths and weaknesses. The most effective leaders use all eight dimensions of Everything DiSC leadership as needed.

The pioneering leadership style

Pioneering leaders are adventurous—driven to seek bigger and better roles, products, and experiences. They inspire a team to venture into uncharted territory.

They have a high need for freedom and see opportunities where others don’t. They are confident in their vision and enjoy winning others to their point of view. Their passion to grow, expand, and explore motivates employees. This reflects their DiSC Di or iD styles.

On the other hand, pioneering leaders might ignore the needs of their followers. They may not take the time to understand their reality. Their bias toward action can get their team moving quickly, but it can also cause them to overlook systemic problems.

Like others with i and D styles, pioneering leaders are fast-paced and outspoken. They are sometimes aggressive about taking risks. They enjoy the challenge of rallying people together and encouraging creativity.

Pioneering leaders (DiSC Di or iD style) find opportunities, stretch the boundaries, and focus on results.

Strengths of the pioneering leader:

  • They tend to be good at initiating change.
  • They often trust their gut instincts.
  • They’re able to bring people together to achieve their goals.
  • They tend to be inspiring.
  • They’re not afraid to try something new.
  • They’re comfortable taking the lead.
  • They set stretch goals for themselves and others.
  • They aren’t afraid to take risks.

Goals of the pioneering leader:

  • Quick action
  • New opportunities
  • Exciting breakthroughs

Areas for improvement:

  • Patience
  • Humility
  • Consideration

Source: The 8 Dimensions of Leadership

What can we learn from pioneering leaders?

1. Be aggressive about exploring opportunities

This is a great leadership style to draw upon if you’re an entrepreneur in the first stages of building a business or brand. You might also channel your pioneering spirit when it seems things are just coasting along.

Managers, peers, and direct reports want their leaders to be more active about finding new opportunities (source). The pioneering leader reminds us that innovation doesn’t happen without active exploration. In other words, the next big thing isn’t hiding under your desk.

“Leaders are pioneers—people who are willing to step out into the unknown. They search for opportunities to innovate, grow, and improve.”
James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, The Leadership Challenge

2. Leaders lead change and stretch the boundaries

Are you in a period of stability or one of stagnation? People tend to overstate risks and play down potential rewards. The pioneering leaders aren’t afraid to do what’s never been done before.

They encourage growth for the organization and for the people around them. They stay current with best practices and opportunities to stretch beyond the status quo. You might work hard to create a stable environment for your employees. However, you need to be sure you aren’t also quashing the creativity of the entrepreneurial spirit around you.

“Let people know that innovative thinking is a part of everyone’s job, regardless of their function or level of responsibility.”
Susan Gebelein et al., Successful Executive’s Handbook

3. Learn to take leaps of faith

Careful planning has its place and its rewards, but sometimes bold action is necessary.

The faith you show in your ideas inspires others. Not taking a chance can present its own dangers. If you’re risk averse, allow yourself time for a reasonable amount of analysis and then act. Don’t let the research, risk assessments, and worry stop you from taking the leap.

“The truth is that challenge is the crucible for greatness… And the truth is also that you either lead by example or you don’t lead at all. You have to go first as a leader.”
James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, The Truth About Leadership

Growth opportunities for DiSC iD- and Di-style leaders

Overall, the natural pioneering leader could be more effective by showing greater consideration, humility, and patience.

Considering others

As you lead your team into new territory, you can’t forget the needs of the rest of the team. Understand that their needs are probably very different from yours.

They might worry that your drive and enthusiasm are taking them into territory they aren’t ready to explore. Is your team being pulled along in your wake or are they truly on the journey with you? Have you given consideration to their concerns and needs?

Clarity in communicating vision

A clear vision in one’s own head doesn’t always translate clearly to everyone else, even when presented with confidence and charm. Pioneering leaders tend to gloss over the specifics or appear to others as reacting on the fly.


The high ego needs of a pioneering leader can be an issue if their charisma fails. They may cause others to feel pushed, intimidated, or insincerely flattered. If a leader inspires but does not support, he or she can lose followers along the way.

What’s your leadership style?

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® is an assessment and leadership development tool that helps leaders of all styles become more effective. You’ll learn your DiSC leadership style and receive individualized guidance to grow leadership skills.

Related reading

Be aggressive about exploring opportunities

Leaders lead change and stretch the boundaries

Learn to take leaps of faith

Kristeen Bullwinkle bio image
Kristeen Bullwinkle
Steeped in Everything DiSC since 2010. Strongly inclined CD style. Leadership style and EQ mindset: resolute. Believes strongly in the serial comma.

Certifications from Wiley:
Everything DiSC, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

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