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Humble Leaders: DiSC SC or CS Style Leadership

Kristeen Bullwinkle bio image
5 min
People with DiSC SC or CS styles often have a humble leadership style. Humble leaders are soft-spoken, fair-minded, and appreciative of others’ strengths. They are also precise, methodical, and consistent.

Key Takeaways

  • Humble leaders align with the SC or CS style in the Everything DiSC® model of leadership.
  • People with a humble leadership style are often self-controlled, fair-minded, and consistent when leading.
  • Every type of leader can learn from humble leaders how to remain composed, listen to others, and appreciate different perspectives.

Humility in leadership, or servant leadership, has been a popular topic in the past few years. Research reports and experts say humility is a key leadership attribute and fosters innovation.

Leaders tend to use one of eight dimensions of leadership primarily. Humble leadership is one of these eight types in the Everything DiSC leadership model and reflects SC or CS styles on the DiSC scale.

“The x-factor of great leadership is not personality, it’s humility.”
Jim Collins, American researcher, author, speaker, and consultant

The humble leadership style

Humble leaders tend to be a bit on the cautious side, self-controlled, and soft-spoken. They are fair-minded, practical, and often able to discern what systems and structures would meet other people’s needs. They model follow-through and diligence.

Leaders with naturally humble personalities are able to maintain their composure. They keep their personal egos in check more easily than leaders of other types.

If you’re a humble leader, you might be motivated by a desire to be reliable and to avoid trouble. These two traits might make you prone to inaction since you don’t want to make mistakes that will affect others. You have a low level of self-serving ambition and the ability to keep things in perspective.

DiSC SC and CS style people often have a humble leadership style: maintaining composure, showing modesty, and being fair-minded.

Strengths of humble leaders:

  • They’re often able to head off potential problems with careful planning.
  • They provide others with the tools necessary to do their work.
  • They’re able to create a stable environment.
  • They maintain their composure, even under stress.
  • They’re conscientious about reaching closure on projects and initiatives.
  • They model a steady work ethic.
  • They expect themselves and others to deliver accurate outcomes.

Goals of humble leaders:

  • Stability
  • Reliable outcomes
  • Calm environment

Areas for improvement:

  • Being decisive
  • Showing urgency
  • Initiating change
  • Speaking up

Source: The 8 Dimensions of Leadership

What can we learn from humble leaders?

1. People need leaders to stay calm under fire

The last thing you need to see during challenging times is your leader freaking out. People can lose faith in someone who is letting their emotions control them.

Humble leaders know how to keep things in perspective—to take time to breathe and make thoughtful decisions. They can take a step back from a problem to look at the bigger picture. Humble leaders tend to look around for a better perspective and can see things from other viewpoints. They give themselves the space to make better decisions based on more than an emotional reaction.

“Whoever is providing leadership needs to be as fresh and thoughtful and reflective as possible to make the very best fight.”
Faye Wattleton, president of the Center for the Advancement of Women

2. You need other people more than you think

Is your communication only one-directional? Humble leaders know that they must listen to those around them, even those in much lower-level positions.

Great leaders take the time to elicit communication from others. They empower others by showing that they value them and their opinions. In this way, humble leaders learn valuable information that wouldn’t surface otherwise. Someone with a humble leadership style is probably not the last to know when trouble is brewing.

“Leadership is being bold enough to have vision and humble enough to recognize achieving it will take the efforts of many.”
Kathy Heasley, founder and president, Heasley & Partners

3. Other people have needs that differ from your own

One of the major lessons from DiSC is that the golden rule doesn’t always work because we aren’t all wired the same. What motivates me, my fears, and my priorities are likely not the same as yours.

Humble leaders don’t try to drag their followers along on their ride. They know that to get the best from their people, they must pay attention to everyone’s needs. They check on the emotional pulse of the people they lead. They concern themselves with employee engagement levels.

When using the humble dimension of leadership, leaders strive to appreciate different styles and perspectives. They work hard to balance the needs of the people under them. They know that when people seem to be agreeing, they might still have reservations.

Growth opportunities for DiSC® SC- and CS-style leaders

Taking risks

The desire to appear reliable and have everything “just so” can hinder a humble leader in times of rapid change. The humble leader has to expend extra effort to take risks; it’s more natural for them to try to avoid trouble.

Breaking rules

Humble leaders sometimes respect rules and traditions too much. They need to learn how to stretch their boundaries and be more adventurous in looking for new opportunities.

Showing passion

Gaining input from others and focusing on the needs of the team are important. But it’s also important for a leader to show passion and confidence. Humble leaders tend toward emotional restraint. This means they can have a hard time rallying people through their own energy and enthusiasm.


Humble leaders have a low need for ego gratification and a desire to be inconspicuous. Unfortunately, this can hide their leadership skills from those looking for more charisma and self-promotion.

Leadership development using DiSC

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® provides tools for every style of leader to be more effective. The assessment reveals your DiSC leadership style and gives personalized guidance in developing leadership skills.

Related reading

People need leaders to stay calm under fire

You need other people more than you think

Other people have needs that differ from your own

Kristeen Bullwinkle bio image
Kristeen Bullwinkle
Steeped in Everything DiSC since 2010. Strongly inclined CD style. Leadership style and EQ mindset: resolute. Believes strongly in the serial comma.

Certifications from Wiley:
Everything DiSC, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

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