Everything DiSC
Team View Report

Your group at a glance

Team View report cover

This simple report shows the style and dot placement for each participant in your Everything DiSC® assessment group. It makes it easy to see how everyone scored and displays their names. Keep it handy during a workshop so you can quickly reference a participant's style when they have questions. Some facilitators working with a group high in trust will share this report with the group.

This report works with the following Everything DiSC profiles:
Agile EQ
Productive Conflict

There is no limit to the number of respondents who can be included in this report. 

This particular view of the individual patterns in the group is not available in the Everything DiSC Facilitator Report nor the Everything DiSC Group Culture Report. There is no analysis of the group make-up.

View a sample of the Everything DiSC Team View Report

Note: This report is created from 3 or more individual completed Everything DiSC profiles (sold separately). Following purchase, you will receive an email with instructions on when and how to get your group report created by our staff.

Free in EPIC

This report can be run for free if you have an EPIC Administrator Account. 
$ 125 00 USD

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