DiSC Classic
Team View Report

Participant graphs presented together

DiSC Classic Team View Report cover

This simple report shows the charts for each participant in your DiSC® Classic assessment group. It provides their name, reproduces their chart, and names their pattern. It makes it easy to see how everyone scored.

Some facilitators working with a group that enjoys strong trust will share this report with the group. There is no analysis of the group make-up. This particular view of the individual patterns in the group is not available in the DiSC Classic Facilitator Report nor the DiSC Classic Group Report.

Gain control with an Admin Account

Recommended if you need to manage many profiles, want to view results, add your own branding, or have an ongoing need for profiles.

$ 125 00 USD

Have an Admin Account (EPIC) account?

This report can be run for free. 

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