Uploading your logo to EPIC
Add or change the image that shows on your report covers
Has your organization's logo changed? Need to use a little different branding on your report covers?
Begin by clicking on Personal Options | View/Edit Account Information.
The logo you upload will be displayed on the cover page of all reports generated by the EPIC system.
Scroll down to the Company Logo section of the page. Delete your old logo and upload your desired image from your computer.
To get the optimal results for your logo, you should use the following criteria:
File type: JPG, PNG, or GIF
Size: 750 X 750 pixels
Resolution: 300 dpi
If your logo is smaller or larger than the recommended size, the system will automatically size the logo to fit the available space on the cover of the profile. If your logo is multi-colored, EPIC will upload a color version and create a black and white version for use if and when you select the B/W print option for printing a report.
If you scroll back up to the top of this EPIC page, you'll be able to view a sample to see how your logo looks on a report.