DiSC styles and teamwork
Objectives: Teams will consider how their individual DiSC styles contribute to their teams and how to get their priorities met on the team.
Prerequisites: An introductory understanding of DiSC.
Materials: None required; a flip chart or question slide can be helpful
Time required: ~45 minutes
Divide your group by styles. If you have one larger group, you can divide it again into one of the eight styles. In other words, if you have a room full of Ds, you can ask some of them to move into a Di, D, or DC group.
Each group should answer a few of the following questions—perhaps using a flip chart as a prompt—and present back to the larger group with their answers. These questions focus on teams. Let participants answer while thinking about work teams, sporting teams, or volunteer work groups. They can define situations as they choose.
- What’s your immediate reaction to being told you’re being put on a new team?
- What’s your immediate reaction to being told you’re going to need to lead a group?
- How easy is it for you to share personal details with team members?
- What makes it easier for you to trust your teammates?
- What makes it easier for you to admit your weaknesses or a mistake with your team?
- How do you typically deal with conflict in a group in which you are a member?
- How do you typically deal with conflict in a group in which you are the leader?
- How do you like to celebrate team success?
- How likely are you to speak up if you disagree with a group?
- How do you typically express disagreement with a team or team member?
- How do you typically respond to brainstorming sessions?
- How do you prefer to get positive feedback?
- How do you prefer to get negative feedback?
- How do you typically respond to a deadline missed by another member of your team?
- What are your favorite teamwork quotes (.pptx) and why?
After answering a few of these questions, you can have them add a few answers to their Everything DiSC Workplace Style Guides.