Team strengths
QuikDiSC activity
Objectives: Identify and celebrate team characteristics and strengths. Identify traits that are missing from teams, perhaps to their detriment.
Prerequisites: Participants should see themselves as a team and work regularly together. They should have at least some familiarity with DiSC cornerstone principles (found on page 2 of the Everything DiSC Workplace profile).
Materials: QuikDiSC cards
Time required: ~45 minutes
- Place a deck of QuikDiSC cards in front of the team and ask that each person select four to six cards they think reflect how they behave with this team.
Tip: Have an extra deck available so you can give out additional copies of a card. It's very likely that more than one person will want one of the cards. - Ask each person to identify how each of their selected cards reflects a strength they bring to the team. How has that characteristic contributed to the success of the team?
- Have everyone place their top three cards (the ones they most strongly identify with) face-up in the center of their table. Does one color dominate the table? What do these cards reflect about your team’s strengths and weaknesses? (The facilitator might want to refer to a Facilitator Report which will more accurately reflect the distribution of styles of teams if they have all taken an Everything DiSC assessment.)
- Ask for someone at each table to remove all the discarded cards on their table. (These are the cards previously rejected by participants.) Then deal out three of those cards. How could these three traits be helpful on your team? How will you facilitate their expression on your team?
Alternate QuikDiSC activities for teams
Shuffle the QuikDiSC deck and give each person six cards. Several extra cards can go face-up on their tables. Ask each person to select one card from their hand or table that reflects a strength they bring to their team. Participants can share their selected card and offer an example of when they used this behavior to support their team. Others on the team can also offer examples of when or how this behavior contributed to more success, effectiveness, or cohesion on their team.
Shuffle the QuikDiSC deck and give each person five or six cards. Ask each person to select a card that reflects a trait they feel their team could use more of, or could use more productively.
Shuffle the QuikDiSC deck and give each person six cards. Several extra cards can go face-up on their tables. Ask each person to select a card from their hand or table that reflects a strength the person to their left brings to their team. They should then share the card and an example of when that person exhibited that strength with the team.
- Have each team or table select an upcoming or just-initiated project for which they are responsible. Give them time to talk about a few of the challenges they expect to encounter.
- Place at least a dozen cards at each table. Ask participants to select four or five cards that reflect behaviors they’ll need to make progress on their project.
- Ask everyone to discuss how they can support each other to reflect each of these behaviors. For example, if “fact-finder” was selected and only one team member is naturally inclined to this behavior, is fact-finding the default responsibility of only that one person?
Tip: These team culture posters can be helpful and fun to post after these exercises.
- DiSC D group culture (PDF)
- DiSC i group culture (PDF)
- DiSC S group culture (PDF)
- DiSC C group culture (PDF)