Team activity to build trust
Team activity to build trust
Use as part of a follow-up session for The Five Behaviors®
Vulnerability-based trust is the foundation of Lencioni's Five Behaviors® pyramid. This activity provides an opportunity to share a small amount of vulnerability with team members and to learn a bit more about each other.
Provide learners with a list of values (use list below or create your own).
Ask each team member to select one value that resonates with them today and to think about why it's important or how you reflect it.
Allow two minutes for people to gather their thoughts.
Provide a few minutes per person for sharing which values they chose and why.
Values list
Achievement | Family | Patience |
Autonomy | Freedom | Power |
Competence | Friendship | Productivity |
Competition | Generosity | Prosperity |
Courage | Growth | Quality |
Creativity | Happiness | Recognition |
Curiosity | Harmony | Respect |
Dependability | Health | Security |
Discipline | Honesty | Service |
Diversity | Hope | Spirituality |
Effectiveness | Humor | Teamwork |
Empathy | Independence | Trust |
Equality | Learning | Variety |
Faith | Loyalty | Wisdom |
Team members can also respond with what values they think the team shares, should reward, or needs to work on.
Based on an activity by Robin Kellogg, Critical Skills Center