DiSC Si style: graphic

Si style

People whose DiSC profile shows an Si style are friendly, upbeat, and warm-hearted. They enjoy collaboration and go out of their way to make others feel comfortable and included.

What do the ‘S’ and the ‘i’ in DiSC mean?

The S in the Everything DiSC® model stands for steadiness. The i stands for influence. People whose DiSC profile shows an Si style display both the steadiness of the S style and the influence of the i style. You can recognize people with Si styles by their cheerful and agreeable demeanor, patience and empathy with others, and focus on creating a positive team experience.

Si DiSC styles are accepting & warm. This DiSC map shows fast-paced & outspoken by D and i styles, cautious & reflective by C and S styles, questioning & skeptical by C and D styles, and accepting & warm by i and S styles.

What is a DiSC style blend?

Every person embodies a mixture of all DiSC styles, but one or two styles will be most prominent. Some individuals' DiSC assessment results show a one-letter style (D, i, S, or C), and others show a style with two letters (Si, SC, CD, etc.).

These two-letter styles are style blends, indicating a personality type that falls near the border between two of the four main quadrants. These folks probably show traits associated with both styles. Thus, S styles often share characteristics with the i or C styles.

Everything DiSC assessment takers can see this clearly in their results by looking at where their dot is placed on the DiSC map. People with the Si blended style will notice that their dot is in the S quadrant, close to the i quadrant.

With its twelve-style model, the Everything DiSC test is calibrated to provide deeper and more personalized insights than assessments limited to four styles.

Circle showing the twelves DiSC style wedges, with the Si style highlighted

Dot placement

Human personality varies widely, even among people of the same DiSC style. Your dot placement on the Everything DiSC map in your profile can help you discover more about your unique personality.

For example, people with Si styles share many traits, but each Si-style person exhibits the style differently. You might be strongly inclined to the Si style with your dot appearing on the far edge of the circle and between the S and i lines. Or you might be slightly inclined toward the style, with your dot appearing closer to the middle of the circle.

Learn more: DiSC dot and priorities explained

DiSC map showing the eight scales. Si-style people score high on the iS/Si scale.

How do you get typed as an Si style in DiSC?

The DiSC model, at its foundation, measures:

  1. pace (from fast-paced and outspoken to cautious and reflective)
  2. agreeableness (from questioning and skeptical to accepting and warm)

Where you fall on these two scales will place you into one of the four primary DiSC quadrants.

However, this is only a starting place for the Everything DiSC profile. The assessment uses eight scales for a much more detailed report.

People with the Si style score highest on the iS/Si scale. This scale measures a positive, empathetic disposition using items such as, “I am naturally upbeat” and “I tend to see the best in people.” Further, the responses of Si-style people show tendencies slightly more in line with the S style than the i style. S-style folks are often even-tempered, patient, and humble. People with i styles are probably outgoing, enthusiastic, and optimistic. Si styles are a blend of the two.

Everything DiSC tells you not only your main DiSC style (D, i, S, or C) but which of the 12 style blends best represents you. It also tells you how strongly you align with those traits, and whether you have extra priorities more typical of other styles.

Why is the i in Si lowercase?

The small i in DiSC helps distinguish Everything DiSC® and DiSC® Classic products from other assessments based on the DISC model. Learn what makes Everything DiSC different.

Think you have an Si style?

Take an Everything DiSC Workplace assessment today to find out! Learning your DiSC style can help you harness your strengths and build new connections in the workplace and beyond.

DiSC Si style characteristics

Personality traits emerge from each individual's core psychological needs. Si-type people are driven by a desire for acceptance and close relationships. They often have subconscious beliefs such as If things don't feel harmonious, something is wrong or I can show my value by helping people. These core psychological needs are not usually experienced as conscious thoughts, but they still shape personality.

Of course, people with Si styles will identify with these unconscious beliefs to varying degrees. Here are some ways that the core needs of Si-type people show up in their personalities and behavior.

Common traits:

The Si-style person is the most outgoing of the S styles. They tend to be generous, approachable, and compassionate. People with Si styles value close relationships and tend to have a high level of natural empathy. Common Si style traits include:

  • optimistic
  • encouraging
  • cooperative
  • generous
  • service-oriented
  • conflict-averse


Many things that motivate DiSC Si-style people involve people, relationships, and support. They usually value friendly cooperation, finding it motivating to work on a team. They want to connect with others in a personal and authentic way. Si types prefer calm, upbeat environments, often using their high relationship IQ to foster this type of space. They feel valuable and motivated when they are helping others. DiSC Si style motivators include:

  • collaboration
  • connection
  • harmony
  • feeling helpful
  • acceptance


The Everything DiSC Workplace® model shows these priorities for the DiSC Si style: collaboration, support, and enthusiasm. They want to feel a sense of belonging and to connect with others in a harmonious environment. People with Si styles prioritize:

  • encouraging collaboration
  • giving support
  • expressing enthusiasm

What they value:

Every person you meet has a unique set of values. However, there are common patterns among people with similar DiSC styles. For example, DiSC Si-style people often value acceptance, empathy, and connecting with others. Other values of the DiSC Si type include:

  • relationships
  • feeling helpful and supportive
  • warmth and empathy
  • a calm, upbeat environment

Stressors in the workplace:

You can better understand your Si-style coworkers if you know common stressors for their style. Managers should be aware of the situations that tend to stress out an Si-style employee. Then they can provide better support when these situations arise.

Because Si-style personalities are so relationship-focused, they are especially sensitive to stressors related to people and relationships. Things that DiSC Si-style people find stressful include:

  • letting people down
  • giving and receiving critical feedback
  • having someone mad at them
  • feeling they are not accepted by a group
  • tense or conflict-filled environments


Each personality type has core fears. These are often subconscious, but they still influence decisions and behaviors. Si-style people fear:

  • being forced to pressure others
  • facing aggression

How they influence others:

Si-type people are often well-liked, team-spirited people. They like to encourage others and are usually good listeners. People with Si styles use the traits natural to them to influence people around them, such as:

  • showing empathy
  • being patient

How they handle conflict:

DiSC Si-style people would rather avoid conflict altogether. Being conflict-averse is one of their defining personality traits. Si types may even find spirited debate a bit uncomfortable. When conflict does arise, Si styles show natural tendencies that are both productive and destructive. Si-type people in conflict generally show flexibility, empathy, diplomacy, and a willingness to compromise. However, they are also likely to withdraw, give in to please others, and take feedback too personally. During conflict, Si styles may:

  • show empathy and look for compromise
  • ignore problems or let issues simmer

May need to work on:

Unlike many other personality assessments, Everything DiSC is developmental rather than solely descriptive. People who take the assessment gain not only an understanding of their personalities but are also guided through personal development opportunities. Si-style people may benefit from working on:

  • receiving criticism
  • standing firm in their opinions when it is important to do so
  • choosing the difficult-but-rewarding path, instead of the path of least resistance

Si-style managers

Like others with S styles, Si managers tend to look for stability and prefer an orderly, peaceful environment. They enjoy boosting team spirit, and creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing and getting involved.

Looking for more information on common traits of Si-style managers? Read more about DiSC management styles.

Si-style managers are even-tempered, accommodating, and patient

Working well with DiSC Si-style people

People with DiSC Si personality types bring strong people skills to their teams. They tend to be motivated more by group accomplishments than individual egos. They are empathetic. They are trusting. They model vulnerability, which is crucial to strong teams. While tips for working with someone with an Si style will vary based on your DiSC style, some general tips can help you work better with your Si-style teammates.

Communicating with DiSC Si styles graphic

Communicating with Si styles

People with different DiSC styles have different communication preferences, so you can strengthen your relationships by learning some communication tips for each style. If your DiSC style is also Si, these behaviors may come naturally to you. If you have a different style, you may benefit from reviewing the best way to communicate with Si types. Here are some DiSC Si-style communication tips:

  • Be personal. Express your interest in them. Show warmth and concern for their feelings.
  • Create a space where they feel comfortable speaking up.
  • Make sure you’re not dismissing their perspectives just because others have more forceful personalities.
  • Si-style people tend to take even minor criticism quite personally. This doesn’t mean you can’t hold them accountable or critique their work. Just realize that they might need some time to process the feedback before moving forward.
DiSC Si styles in meetings graphic

Si styles in meetings

For effective meetings with Si types, review their priorities and motivators. Balance procedural work with opportunities for social connections and relationship-building. Here are some more meeting tips for DiSC Si styles:

  • Si-style folks have an accommodating nature and the desire to help. Make sure others on the team don't take advantage of this.
  • Likewise, their desire to help makes them overcommit. When distributing tasks at meetings, keep this in mind.
  • If spirited debate or conflict arises in meetings, Si styles may become uncomfortable. Reassure them that this is part of a healthy team.
  • Understand that they might need time to process feedback after the meeting, rather than responding in the moment.
Problem-solving with DiSC Si styles graphic

Problem-solving with Si styles

When problem-solving with Si-type people, remember that they appreciate harmonious, collaborative spaces. When problems arise, make sure to tell your Si-style coworker that your relationship will remain solid even if you don't always see eye-to-eye. Here are some Si-style problem-solving tips:

  • Work collaboratively with them. Share ideas and successes.
  • Be clear about deadlines and when decisions need to be made.
  • Avoid being confrontational or too aggressive. Offer your point of view, but try to start with an easygoing approach.
  • Give them time to reflect.
  • Encourage them to share their opinions.

Do Si-style people make good salespeople?

Si-style salespeople are usually good at connecting with customers on a personal level. Their warm and approachable demeanor puts customers at ease. Si folks have a genuine interest in getting to know other people, and customers can sense that.

Learn more about the 8 styles of salespeople and how you can use DiSC to meet the needs of your customers. Read about DiSC sales styles.

Similar styles: i and iS

The Everything DiSC circumplex is divided into 12 style “wedges.” The wedges on either side of the Si style are iS and S. This means the iS and S styles are most similar to the Si style.

DiSC map showing the S style

The S style

S-style individuals share Si-style qualities like patience and warmth. S types tend to be more even-tempered, cautious, and reflective than Si-style individuals.

Learn about S styles
DiSC map showing the iS style

The iS style

People with iS styles share many similarities with Si-style individuals, but are likely a bit more fast-paced, energetic, and social.

Learn about iS styles

Other styles

DiSC D style wedge graphic

D styles

fast-paced & outgoing, questioning & skeptical

Learn about D styles
DiSC i style wedge graphic

i styles

fast-paced & outgoing, accepting & warm

Learn about i styles
DiSC C style wedge graphic

C styles

cautious & reflective, questioning & skeptical

Learn about C styles

What is your style?

Do you have the DiSC Si personality type? If so, how does your unique personality differ from the typical Si type? Taking a DiSC assessment is the first step toward understanding yourself better and forming better relationships at home and work. We recommend you start your DiSC journey with Everything DiSC Workplace.

DiSC styles icon