DiSC CD style: graphic

CD style

People with the DiSC CD style personality are strong critical thinkers who push through obstacles. They have a fundamental skepticism that can make them world-wary at times. CD types hold high standards for themselves and others. They value competence, control, and independence.

What do the ‘C’ and the ‘D’ in DiSC mean?

The C in the Everything DiSC® model stands for conscientiousness and the D stands for dominance. People whose DiSC profile shows a CD style display both the conscientiousness of the C style and the dominance of the D style. They are skeptical, stubborn, and disciplined. They enjoy a good challenge and will stick with it until they get the desired result.

CD DiSC styles are questioning & skeptical. This DiSC map shows fast-paced & outspoken by D and i styles, cautious & reflective by C and S styles, questioning & skeptical by C and D styles, and accepting & warm by i and S styles.

What is a DiSC style blend?

Every person is a mixture of all DiSC styles but will tend most strongly toward one or two. While some individuals' Everything DiSC assessment results will show a style with just one letter (D, i, S, or C), others will show a two-letter style (CD, Si, Di, etc.). All styles are equally valuable; a one-letter style is not better than a two-letter style or vice versa.

These two-letter styles are style blends. They show that an individual's personality type falls near the border between two of the four main quadrants.

Everything DiSC assessment takers can see this clearly in their profile by looking at where their dot appears on the DiSC map. If your dot is close to the border with another style, you probably show traits associated with that style, as well. Thus, C styles often share characteristics with the D or S styles.

The Everything DiSC test is calibrated to help you discover which main DiSC style quadrant you fall into, as well as giving finer-tuned results within that style.

Circle showing the twelves DiSC style wedges, with the CD style highlighted

Dot placement

Human personality varies so much, so even within the same DiSC style, personality type shows up in different ways. People with CD styles share many high-level traits, but each CD-style person experiences and displays the style differently. The dot placement on your Everything DiSC profile will help you discover your unique place on the DiSC map.

For example, you might be strongly inclined to the CD style with your dot appearing on the far edge of the circle and between the C and D lines. Or you might be slightly inclined toward the style, with your dot appearing closer to the middle.

Learn more: DiSC dot and priorities explained

DiSC map showing the eight scales. CD-style people score high on the CD/DC scale.

How do you get typed as a CD style in DiSC?

The DiSC model, at its foundation, is two-dimensional. It begins by measuring:

  1. pace (from fast-paced and outspoken to cautious and reflective)
  2. agreeableness (from questioning and skeptical to accepting and warm)

These two scales form the four primary DiSC quadrants.

However, the Everything DiSC assessment goes much deeper. This assessment will tell you not only your main DiSC style (D, i, S, or C) but which of the twelve style blends best represents you. In addition, you'll learn how strongly you align with those traits, as well as any extra priorities you might have outside your style.

A more detailed look at the DiSC map reveals the eight scales that divide the circle into twelve styles.

Everything DiSC assessments measure respondents on these eight scales: D (Dominance), Di/iD, i (influence), iS/Si, S (Steadiness), SC/CS, C (Conscientiousness), and CD/DC.

People with the CD style score highest on the CD/DC scale. Further, their responses show tendencies slightly more in line with the C style than the D style. People with C styles are composed and analytical. D-style folks are direct and strong-willed. CD styles are a blend of the two.

Think you have a CD style?

Take an Everything DiSC Workplace assessment today to find out! Learning your DiSC style can help you harness your strengths and build new connections in the workplace and beyond.

DiSC CD style characteristics

We all have unconscious beliefs that drive our decisions and behavior. We’re mostly not aware of them, and may not claim or defend them in the light of day, but they still direct our actions.

For the CD style, unconscious thoughts like these may drive their behavior and choices: I should always be self-sufficient. I’m valuable if I’m competent. If I’m not in control, I open myself up to disaster. I must maintain my dignity at all times. Every person is different, so even within CD styles, some of these statements will resonate more than others. Here are some ways that the core needs of CD-type people show up in their personalities and behavior.

Common traits:

When someone has a CD style in DiSC, they often appear focused, guarded, and direct. They aren't afraid to challenge the status quo to get results. Other common CD style traits include:

  • skeptical and questioning
  • stubborn
  • disciplined
  • determined
  • critical thinker
  • cynical
  • objective
  • systematic


CD-type people are motivated by a challenge. They relish an opportunity to prove their competency and are determined to deliver quality outcomes efficiently. People with CD styles like solving problems and gaining expertise. Other CD style motivators include:

  • proving themselves/showing their knowledge
  • overcoming obstacles
  • using logical thinking to create the best solutions


The Everything DiSC Workplace® model shows these priorities for the DiSC CD style: challenge, accuracy, and results. They won’t accept ideas without asking a lot of questions. People with CD styles avoid letting their emotions get in the way of making rational decisions, and they want to control the quality of their work. They can be counted on to keep things on track. People with CD styles prioritize:

  • challenging assumptions, challenging self and others
  • ensuring accuracy
  • getting results

What they value:

Every person has their own particular set of values, but you may notice common patterns among people with similar DiSC styles. For example, DiSC CD-style people tend to value rational decisions, personal autonomy, and maintaining control. Other values of the DiSC CD type include:

  • efficient results
  • competence in themselves and others
  • their independence/self-reliance

Stressors in the workplace:

You can improve collaboration with your CD-style coworkers if you know some common stressors for people of their style. This helps coworkers and managers offer support in times of stress. Things that DiSC CD-style people find stressful include:

  • not having expertise in a task they need to perform
  • having to rely on others
  • being around highly emotional people
  • following an inefficient process
  • being surrounded by incompetent or unreliable people


Each personality style has core fears. These are closely related to the stressors and values of that type. Mostly, these fears are in the background rather than our conscious thoughts, but they greatly influence our behaviors and decisions. CD-style people fear:

  • lacking control
  • experiencing failure
  • feeling vulnerable

How they influence others:

The competence and resolve of CD-type people influence the people around them. By calling on the traits that come naturally to them, CD styles influence others through:

  • strict standards
  • resolute approach
  • high expectations
  • speaking up about problems
  • communicating clearly and directly

How they handle conflict:

People with CD styles are often seeking justification in conflict situations. They are unlikely to budge if they think they’re right. Rather, they will lay out their argument, which is likely well-thought-out. Like all styles, DiSC CD styles have natural personality traits that can be both productive and destructive in conflict situations. CD-type people in conflict generally help make conflict productive by staying objective and looking for the root cause of the problem. However, CD types might become overly critical or defensive. During conflict, CD styles may:

  • stick up for their own rights
  • become passive-aggressive
  • tackle tough issues head-on
  • overanalyze the situation

May need to work on:

Unlike many other personality assessments, Everything DiSC is developmental rather than just descriptive. If you take an Everything DiSC assessment, you’ll get both an understanding of your personality and an individualized path for personal development. In general, CD-style people may benefit from working on:

  • cooperating
  • paying attention to others' needs, seeking to empathize with others
  • looking beyond data
  • practicing patience
  • displaying vulnerability

CD-style managers

CD-type managers like to create efficient processes for getting tasks done and tend to focus on results. They push their teams to set high standards and then meet those standards.

Explore the strengths of CD-style managers and the assumptions that drive their management habits. Read about DiSC management styles.

DiSC CD-style managers are analytical, reserved, and precise

Working well with DiSC CD-style people

People with DiSC CD personality types bring a lot to their workplaces. They have high expectations for their teammates, encouraging people to rise to the challenge. And they have even higher expectations for their own performance. CD-style teammates are generally proficient and resolute. You can count on them to follow through on even challenging projects and produce high-quality results. While tips for working with CD styles will vary based on your DiSC style, there are some general tips that can help you work better with your CD-style teammates.

Communicating with DiSC CD styles graphic

Communicating with CD styles

Communication preferences vary by DiSC style. Learning some communication tips for each style can strengthen your working relationships. If you have a CD style, these behaviors may come naturally to you. If you don't, you may benefit from understanding where their preferences come from. Here are some CD-style communication tips:

  • Say what you mean. Don’t talk around a subject; address it directly.
  • Focus on facts and minimize “pep talk.”
  • If you feel taken aback by something they say or the manner in which they say it, point it out and ask for clarification. They may not always be aware how their direct demeanor affects others.
  • Show them it’s OK to be vulnerable sometimes. Make it clear that mistakes and missteps are part of the process.
DiSC CD styles in meetings graphic

CD styles in meetings

For effective meetings with CD types, review their priorities and motivators. People with CD styles appreciate direct communication and are looking for clarity around any decisions made or new roles assigned during meetings. They may need a little encouragement to work collaboratively and to engage with the small talk or social aspects of meetings. Here are some more tips for meetings with DiSC CD styles:

  • Justify decisions, and explain the rationale behind new endeavors or changes in processes.
  • Allow them opportunities to showcase their expertise.
Problem-solving with DiSC CD styles graphic

Problem-solving with CD styles

When problem-solving with CD-type people, remember that they are focused on accuracy and results, and that they may prefer working independently to collaboratively. Try to be direct, and provide objective justification for your suggestions. Here are some CD-style problem-solving tips:

  • Demonstrate your competence and your commitment to high standards.
  • Show how your ideas will get results.
  • Recognize the value of their drive to get things right.

Do CD-style people make good salespeople?

Salespeople with CD styles display competency. They are confident, well-prepared, and not easily flustered. Customers can tell they really know their stuff.

Discover the 8 styles of salespeople and how you can stretch to other styles to help meet the needs of your customers. Read about DiSC sales styles.

Similar styles: C and DC

The Everything DiSC model has twelve distinct styles. On the DiSC map, the wedges on either side of the CD wedge are DC and C. This means the DC and C styles are most similar to the CD style.

The C style

The C style

People with C styles share many similarities with CD-style individuals, but are likely a bit more cautious, analytical, and restrained.

Learn about C styles
The DC style

The DC style

As you would expect, DC-type folks have a lot in common with CD-style people. Both styles score high on the CD/DC scale. People with DC styles tend to be slightly more fast-paced and bold than CD-style individuals.

Learn about DC styles

Other styles

DiSC D style wedge graphic

D styles

fast-paced & outgoing, questioning & skeptical

Learn about D styles
DiSC i style wedge graphic

i styles

fast-paced & outgoing, accepting & warm

Learn about i styles
DiSC S style wedge graphic

S styles

cautious & reflective, accepting & warm

Learn about S styles

What is your style?

Do you have the DiSC CD personality type? If so, how does your unique personality differ from the typical CD type? Taking a DiSC assessment is the first step toward understanding yourself better and forming better relationships at home and work. We recommend you start your DiSC journey with Everything DiSC Workplace.

DiSC styles icon