Setting Team Ground Rules for Better Performance

Key Takeaways
- Ground rules, or rules of engagement, are shared expectations about how team members should behave and interact.
- Individuals often make assumptions about these rules without discussing them, meaning everyone follows different expectations and people become frustrated with one another.
- Teams should develop ground rules together, refer to them frequently, and revise them as needed. This article lists many example ground rules for teams.
We often join a team and assume that all the members agree with our assumptions about what’s acceptable and what’s not. But they probably don’t. I’ve been on long-standing committees where certain behavior was accepted even though most members grumbled about it. This resulted in a low level of commitment to the committee and its goals.
What are team ground rules?
Ground rules, or rules of engagement, are typically discussed and agreed to early during the formation of a team. They are shared expectations about how people on the team should behave and interact. Ground rules often range from logistical (meetings will start at five after the hour) to bigger-picture (all team members will speak honestly).
The phrase “ground rules” comes from baseball. In addition to the league-wide rules that apply to all games, specific stadiums have “ground rules” based on their unique physical environment. For example, the outfield fence at Wrigley Field is covered in ivy. Their ground rules state that when a fair ball becomes lodged in the ivy, the batter gets two bases.
Setting team ground rules in the workplace is not a one-and-done task. The rules your team agrees on should be easily visible, frequently referenced, and periodically reviewed. In addition, the rules should be renegotiated whenever someone new joins the team. They should also be reviewed if the team isn’t functioning well. Consider posting these rules in a shared location, or post them in chat before a video meeting.
How should a team set ground rules?
Our experience from putting teams through The Five Behaviors® Team Development is that this step of team formation is often skipped. People make assumptions and inevitably other people do not meet them. Healthier groups might tweak a few assumed rules. More dysfunctional teams might surprise you by suggesting rules that seem obvious, such as members will not publicly badmouth other team members.
Uncover and discuss existing “unwritten rules”
Ask your team to consider what unwritten rules they might already be following. What is their perception of “how we do things” even though they haven’t articulated those expectations aloud before? Have each member write these down, then discuss them. Did people have different assumptions, or were they mostly on the same page?
Also ask your team about the best experiences they’ve had on the team and what unwritten rules may have contributed. For example, teams might find that they collaborated really well when using Teams or Slack when everyone was given 24 hours to respond. Or that turning cameras off during a portion of a check-in meeting actually helped them pay better attention.
Consider the “why”
When setting team ground rules, consider how your organization’s or team’s values can be applied. This ties the rules to a larger sense of purpose. For each rule, team members understand the “why.” This way, people are more likely to buy in.
Few people enjoy being handed a list of rules and being told to follow them. In fact, this may provoke an instinct to rebel in some personality types. That’s why it is essential that all team members co-create the team ground rules and that each rule has a “why” that team members can get behind.
Make sure everyone has their say
As you’re co-creating your team ground rules, be aware of who is sitting back or looking checked out. They could be staying silent because they’re thinking: Yeah sure whatever, let’s just get this over with. I’m just going to do things my own way anyway. Or, they could be thinking: I have concerns about one of the rules, but don’t want to make waves. If I’m the only one who feels this way, I’ll just suck it up.
Because ground rules will serve as the foundation for how your team works, it’s critical that they truly represent the team.
Patrick Lencioni, creator of the Five Behaviors model
Examples of team ground rules
Here are sample rules adopted by teams. Again, if teams choose items from this list to adopt, they should be able to articulate why this rule will help their team. Teams can also use this list to understand the range of options, but start from scratch in setting their own team ground rules.
Examples of ground rules for teams:
- Meetings will start and end on time.
- If unable to attend, members will ____. (e.g., send a representative, inform the team via email, request agenda items be deferred, submit comments to the group via Slack, etc.)
- Meetings will follow an agenda prepared by the leader or approved by members a day before the meeting.
- Agenda items will address team goals, health and functioning of the team, and progress reports.
- Members will complete tasks they’ve committed to.
- In an open office, headphones on means do not disturb.
- For each communication method—IM, email, Teams or Slack, texting, video meeting, phone call, etc.—agree on which situations are best for each, and what the expected response time is.
- Members will state their views and ask genuine questions to gain better understanding.
- Members will alert the group to any task or project that will be early, late, better, or worse than expected.
- Meetings will begin with stating outcomes/goals/changes each member is excited about and one item the team could improve upon.
- Only one person will speak at a time.
- No one will check their phone during the meeting.
- Members will listen actively and test their assumptions.
- Members will be present physically and mentally or excuse themselves.
- All team members will speak their minds.
- When anyone feels we are off-track, we will refer back to our agreed-upon key performance indicators and our shared purpose.
- Sources of conflict will be mined and addressed.
- Conflict will address ideas rather than personalities.
- Members can ask for discussion items to be moved to the “parking lot” to be addressed later after more information is gathered, a missing member is present, or the timing is better.
- There will be no side conversations or gossip.
- These ground rules will be reviewed at a specific date to be revised as needed.
- Members will share their unique perspectives.
- Members will share their experience (not speak for others).
- Members will speak honestly.
- Members will listen from the “We” but speak from the “I.”
- Assumptions will be brought forward to be affirmed or challenged.
- Silence of members will be assumed to signal agreement.
- Members will be courageous.
- Members will not shy away from conflict.
- Members will hold each other accountable.
- Everyone is responsible for keeping documentation updated.
- Standard operating procedures are open for discussion, but not to changes before manager approval.
- Milestones will be celebrated.
- Limited cursing is allowable.
- Failure is acceptable.
Example notes from a session setting team ground rules for engaging in conflict
Example ground rules for virtual teams:
- Project-related communication will happen on a specific platform.
- Informal or team-building communication will happen on a specific platform.
- We will give praise to each other on a specific platform.
- Our default time zone is ___.
- If some of the team meets in person we will offer others a summary of our discussion or invite participation via ___.
- Long email chains will be avoided by either initiating a call or starting a new email.
- We will not use BCC (blind copy) emails.
- Gifs are [encouraged/not encouraged].
- Virtual video meetings will be limited to one hour. Longer meetings necessitate a ten-minute break every hour.
- Cameras on and mics muted is the default expectation for our weekly meeting, but it’s ok to have your camera off occasionally if you need to.
- Status meetings will be by phone only.
- We will show we are away from our desk or do not want to be interrupted by ___.
- Vacation or personal time off is tracked in [this location], but a week before we will send a reminder by email with a subject line of name/out dates.
Example rules or expectations for the team leader:
- Prepares meeting room and makes it physically comfortable.
- Shares and enforces meeting ground rules with participants.
- Communicates with respect, and promotes clarity and inclusion.
- Acts as the neutral person.
- Solicits agenda items two days before meeting.
- Provides support materials necessary to bring new members up to date.
- Maintains a positive group atmosphere.
- Allows time for consideration; doesn’t fill the silence.
- Avoids lengthy comments.
- Does not give verbal rewards for desirable answers.
- Affirms the group and its individuals.
- Supports the group, but also confronts difficult issues.
- Shows patience with people, but also an urgency for achievement.
- Presents our ground rules at regular intervals for revision.
Making sure ground rules stick
Everyone is busy, so make sure team ground rules are not “out of sight, out of mind.” Once you have a list of rules your team likes,
- Save the document somewhere easy to find.
- If you share physical space, post the list.
- Post relevant rules in the chat at the start of video meetings.
- At regular team meetings or one-on-ones, check in on how a particular rule is going. For example, “We agreed that emails should be responded to within 24 hours. How has that been feeling for everyone? Now that we’ve had it in practice for a few months, does this still feel like the right expectation?”
- Make time for longer discussions about the team ground rules a couple of times a year, or whatever rhythm makes sense for you.
- Consider choosing an advocate for each of the most important rules, someone who reminds the team of the expectation and shouts people out when they’re doing a good job with it. This is a good way for team members to practice holding each other accountable.
- Remind people why you created the rules in the first place, and how they help the team perform at a higher level and achieve its goals.
Setting team ground rules with DiSC® and The Five Behaviors® model
Setting team ground rules can be most effective as part of a larger team-building effort using tools like Everything DiSC® assessments and the Five Behaviors® model. DiSC helps team members understand their own default behaviors, motivators, and stressors. It then teaches about other personality types, so teams understand how to work with everyone’s strengths rather than try to change who they are.
The Five Behaviors program leads teams and individuals through the five behaviors of a cohesive team—trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and results—to assess where they are and how to improve.
When you develop your team ground rules in the context of these or other team-building tools, your team will likely be more honest and open during discussions. You can take the time to write the rules that have the best chance of ensuring employee satisfaction and team success.
Posted 12/05/2018, Last Updated 07/01/2024