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Giving and Receiving Feedback: Tips for Each Personality Type

Manager giving feedback to a team
Kristeen Bullwinkle bio image
8 min
Good feedback is a gift if it allows us to see through our own blind spots or better understand the consequences of our behaviors on others. Learning to give and receive feedback is a skill that improves with practice and self-awareness. Start by assuming positive intent and considering the other person’s needs and stressors.

Key Takeaways

  • Feedback implies the need to change, so it can make people feel insecure or defensive.
  • Considering someone's personality type when giving and receiving feedback can increase the likelihood the feedback will be well-received.
  • In general, DiSC® D styles fear being taken advantage of, i styles fear rejection, S styles fear losing security, and C styles fear criticism of performance. Keep these fears in mind during feedback sessions.

We might love to offer our opinions, but giving and receiving feedback in the workplace isn’t always easy. We wonder if the person wants our feedback, if they will accept it, and if they will act on it. Will the recipient be thankful, accepting, cold, hostile, or punishing?

The best teams can help each other give honest feedback and even seek out productive conflict. They’ve practiced giving and receiving feedback. They’ve learned to assume positive intent and have explicit rules about delivering feedback. Their feedback is frequent, ongoing, and normal.

Some feedback tips work for nearly everyone. For example, we should watch our body language. We should also ask if someone wants feedback before we give it.

A person’s confidence level and cultural background can influence how they prefer to give and receive feedback, even positive feedback. A person’s personality type, such as their DiSC style, also matters.

Each DiSC style has differing goals and fears regarding getting feedback. Feedback suggests a need to change focus, activity, or behavior. It can also stir up personal fears and insecurities.

Most people want to do good work and are accepting of feedback. Here are some tips for giving and receiving feedback in a more targeted and useful way.

“Overall, our research found that people consistently underestimate others’ desire for feedback, which can have harmful results for would-be feedback recipients.”
Nicole Abi-Esber, in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Five quick tips for giving feedback

  1. Focus on the behavior, not the person. Use “I” statements. “You” statements can sound like accusations.
  2. Be specific and constructive. Avoid generalizations and instead highlight particular actions or outcomes. Frame your feedback constructively, emphasizing opportunities for improvement rather than only mentioning shortcomings.
  3. Be timely. Offer feedback soon after the observed behavior or performance. This ensures that the details are fresh in everyone’s mind and allows for more immediate course correction. Feedback works best when it is iterative.
  4. Consider the recipient’s needs. People with different personality types like to receive feedback in different ways. Some people want you to be totally frank and get right to the point (even if that’s not how you prefer to give feedback). Others need a little cushioning. Try to give feedback in the way the listener would prefer to receive it.
  5. Open a dialogue. Feedback shouldn’t be a monologue. Encourage the recipient to share their perspective and insights. Ask questions to understand their viewpoint and discuss potential solutions together.

Five quick tips for receiving feedback

  1. Stay open-minded. Cultivate a growth mindset that welcomes opportunities to improve. You don’t have to agree with all the feedback you receive, but hear it with an open mind first before judging its merit.
  2. Listen. Don’t interrupt. Don’t jump to contradict the speaker. Focus on understanding, not responding. Be aware of your body language.
  3. Ask clarifying questions. If parts of the feedback are unclear, seek clarification, either during the feedback conversation or in a follow-up conversation or email.
  4. Express gratitude. Regardless of whether the feedback is positive or constructive, express gratitude for the insights provided. Acknowledge the effort the feedback giver took to share their observations. This positive response encourages ongoing open communication.
  5. Reflect and plan for action. Take time to reflect on the feedback received. Consider how it aligns with your goals and aspirations. If you disagree with the feedback, seek a second opinion. Identify actionable steps you can take to address the feedback and improve your performance.

Tips for giving feedback: 1. Focus on the behavior, not the person. 2. Be specific and constructive. 3. Be timely. 4. Consider the recipient's needs. 5. Open a dialogue.      Tips for receiving feedback: 1. Stay open-minded 2. Listen. 3. Ask clarifying questions 4. Express gratitude 5. Reflect and plan for action

What if I don’t know someone’s personality type?

We organized the tips in this article by the DiSC style of the person you are interacting with. If your workplace uses DiSC, you’ve got a head start on developing the important soft skills of giving and receiving feedback. If your workplace doesn’t use DiSC, you can still practice people-reading to estimate the DiSC style of your colleagues. Then you can adjust your approach to giving and receiving feedback with each person.

Answer these two questions, based on behaviors you can observe:

  1. Is the person you are giving feedback to more fast-paced/active/bold or more cautious/moderate-paced/calm?
  2. Is the person more questioning/logic-focused/skeptical or more accepting/people-focused/agreeable?

If they are fast-paced and questioning, refer to the tips for the D style.

If they are fast-paced and accepting, refer to the tips for the i style.

If they are cautious and accepting, refer to the tips for the S style.

If they are cautious and questioning, refer to the tips for the C style.

This kind of people-reading is not a substitute for a full DiSC assessment. You should always use caution when making assumptions about others. Everyone is a mix of all the DiSC styles, but observing where someone falls on these two scales can help you offer feedback in a manner more likely to be well-received.

Read more: How to Read People With DiSC

How to give feedback to each DiSC style

D styles

Remember: They fear losing control, being taken advantage of

  • Be direct and brief.
  • Offer suggestions and listen to theirs.
  • Ask “what” questions. What are you trying to achieve? What are your plans?
  • Show confidence in their abilities.
  • Know that they may respond brusquely, but that doesn’t mean necessarily that they are angry or are rejecting your feedback.
  • Remember that they enjoy competition and respond well to stretch goals.
  • Compliment them directly and immediately.

i styles

Remember: They fear rejection, loss of approval

  • Provide feedback in a casual setting.
  • Highlight how your suggested changes will benefit them.
  • Allow them time to verbalize their thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
  • Ask about their motivation for taking an action or making a change.
  • Know that they may need to respond emotionally before they can really hear or take action on your feedback.
  • Remember that they have a need to express themselves.
  • Praise them publicly.

S styles

Remember: They fear losing security, sudden change

  • Be specific in your feedback and offer concrete examples.
  • Explain how changes will increase stability over the long run.
  • Offer to discuss the issue again later to give them time to think.
  • Ask if a change in structure or policy would make change easier.
  • Know that they may become emotional, so be patient as they process the feedback. They may also need to review your feedback with others before they can accept it.
  • Ask for their ideas and give them plenty of time to answer.
  • Offer sincere praise in a private setting.

C styles

Remember: They fear criticism of performance, lack of standards

  • Review expected results to be sure you’re in alignment. Be specific and factual.
  • Ask them how they plan to make changes and what support they’ll need.
  • Refer back to agreed-upon standards or best practices.
  • Provide them time to think over your feedback and commit to any changes.
  • Know that they might have an emotional response, but you probably won’t see it. If you think you might have hurt them, you need to ask.
  • Encourage them to help define quality standards.

Compliment them privately and be specific.

“Feedback is key to personal growth and improvement, and it can fix problems that are otherwise costly to the recipient.”
Francesca Gino in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

How to receive feedback from each DiSC style

We want to show that we’ve heard the feedback and appreciate it. We want to get the most out of it that we can.

Each of us will respond to feedback first from our own style preferences. However, if we can reflect back some of the speaker’s style, our shared experience of the feedback can be richer and more productive.

D styles

Focus on results.

  • Accept their bluntness. They aren’t trying to be rude.
  • Remain businesslike.
  • Ask “what” questions to get at specifics. What exact change is needed? What do you mean? Can you give an example?
  • Show your desire to achieve results.
  • Provide examples of changes made as a result of their feedback.

i styles

Focus on issues of influence and sociability.

  • Show enthusiasm for hearing their suggestions and observations.
  • Ask “who” questions. Who will this help/reach? Who will be/has been affected?
  • Be informal, casual, and ready to brainstorm ideas.
  • Show that you understand their interests and needs. Express your own.
  • Thank them for sharing with you.

S styles

Focus on stability and relationships.

  • Be methodical and respectful.
  • Ask “how” questions. How could this be improved? How do you see this differently?
  • Probe for additional task-related specifics or other concerns.
  • Ask if you can follow up with them later about changes you’re making.
  • Show sincere appreciation for the feedback.

C styles

Focus on quality.

  • Be businesslike and respect their knowledge and expertise.
  • Ask “why” questions. Why do you think this is wrong? Why do you think a change is needed? Why will that help achieve our goal?
  • Offer options.
  • Be prepared to back up your choices with data.
  • Summarize verbal feedback in writing.

Tips for feedback with the different DiSC styles

How to decide if you should give feedback

Be sure you’re giving feedback that is valuable. If someone is simply using a different work process—doing it differently than you would—but getting results, then you need to let it go. You might also want to avoid giving feedback in these situations:

  • You don’t have enough information or are using secondhand information or gossip.
  • The recipient has no control over what you want them to change.
  • The person is really vulnerable or emotional right now.
  • You don’t have time to engage in dialogue.
  • You only have criticism and no suggestions for a solution.


If you’re curious about how to give better feedback during conflict situations and gain more awareness of why you might not always respond well, take the Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict assessment and get personalized results.

If your team is struggling with feedback, gossip, or unproductive feedback, we recommend The Five Behaviors® Team Development program.

Kristeen Bullwinkle bio image
Kristeen Bullwinkle
Steeped in Everything DiSC since 2010. Strongly inclined CD style. Leadership style and EQ mindset: resolute. Believes strongly in the serial comma.

Certifications from Wiley:
Everything DiSC, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

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